What is VPN? How does VPN work? Pros and cons of VPN

What is Virtual Private Network (VPN)?

There is an interconnected network between all devices like computers, servers, mobile phones, routers, etc. and we need an internet connection to access, transfer and receive one device’s data to another device.

While exchanging, accessing, and browsing data on the internet we need an online identity to share our data because without an identity internet or server cannot identify our device and we cannot share or access data.

Suppose we are sharing data (videos, photos, documents, etc.) from our mobile phone to our laptop or another device. Then there is a private network between these two devices (mobile phone and Laptop). In this case, the role of the internet is played by Bluetooth or our Hotspot of two devices. In this case, there is not any interference with another individual, internet service providers, servers, websites, etc. Because it is a private network between our two devices.

But for the access of internet data which are available on the internet such blogs, apps, files, folders, videos, documents, etc. we need an internet connection through internet service provider which works internationally. Then there is a connection to the public internet. It means there is the interference of Internet service providers to access the data from any server.

In this case, the role of the internet to connect two devices is not played by Bluetooth or Hotspot because the range of Bluetooth and Hotspot is only 10-15 meters. And we should also know the two devices’ IP (Internet Protocol) address to connect two devices. So, we used a public network to connect our device with servers. So, we need a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to protect and hide our online identity and pieces of information.

The main use of VPNs is to secure our information on the public network. If you connect your device with a secured VPN then your information’s are transferred with the encrypted form. Then nobody can see your activity and information which are browsing on the internet or sharing on internet even government, hackers and internet service providers. It means that, if you used a secured VPN then your information can not read because these are on the encrypted form.

If we access different websites without a VPN then we are connecting our devices with website servers with the help of internet service providers. Internet service providers provide a unique IP address to us and ISPs handle and direct the traffic. It means that when we visit websites such as google.com, faceoob.com, youtube.com, etc. then the internet service providers can access our information such as visited websites, searched term on websites, IP addresses, location, etc. To hide and protect this information we used the VPN.

Read also : What is Internet and How does internet explained in detail

How does Virtual Private Network work?

If you are using the internet on your device, then it means you are using the internet even from a mobile network service provider or internet service provider. This is a public network, if you are using mobile data then it is provided by the mobile network service provider and if you are using Wi-fi then it is provided by any internet service provider.

Through this public network, you can access information and data on the internet. If you want to access the website facebook.com then you need to type google.com on any browser then it will request your internet service provider to access this website.

Sometimes government bands the different websites, apps, video platforms, games, etc. Then when you request to access these websites, apps, videos, games, etc. your internet service provider blocks your request to this website.

It means when you request to access any websites, then the request will go through your internet service provider first. Because you are using this internet service provider’s network. If the government bans this website in your region, then the government was already contracted with all internet service providers in your country.

So, when you request to access ban websites, an internet service provider blocks your request in middle. The Internet service provider is playing a role as a middleman between our device and website server. When we request a middleman to access websites but the middleman does not provide any information to this website server then the website server cannot get your request. Because internet service provider already blocked your request.

So, in this situation, VPN (Virtual Private Network) configure and encrypt your request first then it will send your request to the internet service provider. Then the internet service provider understands this request as not to access the website but as to access this VPN server. Then the internet service provider does not block your request and sends this request to this VPN server which is in another country.

After receiving the request from an internet service provider, VPN reopens or unencrypted your original request then VPN sends your request to this website server which you want to access. It is possible because the VPN server is located in another country or there are options available on VPN to connect which country’s server. Then your request is sent through this country or region, not from your country and region. So, these websites are not blocked in this country and you can access these websites, software, apps, games, etc. easily and can enjoy with a VPN.

So, now the internet service provider knows about your access to the VPN server only. After that VPN server will request websites, games, software, an application that the internet service provider cannot know. Because the internet service provider understands our request as we are requesting with a VPN server, not with websites.

Advantages of Using Virtual Private Network?

  1. We can hide our online identity
  2. Internet service providers, the government, hackers cannot access our request because VPN encrypts our request. So, we can browse safely.
  3. It also increases online security, it helps to hide our Ip address, our request, location, etc.
  4. We can access information, data, websites, games which are not available in your country or region.

Disadvantages of Virtual Private Network?

  1. The main disadvantage of using a VPN is that it will reduce your internet speed. Because it establishes a connection between one network to another and it usages different servers.
  2. If you are using a VPN then, the government, ISPs cannot know what you are accessing but the VPN server can access your information.
  3. Sometimes free VPN collects your information and can misuse your information. So, use paid VPN for reliable security.
  4. You think you are hiding your information to your region and with your ISPs but the VPN server and the internet service provider of your connected server can access your browsing information, your identity, your location, etc.
  5. The speed of free VPN is less than paid VPN. So, you need to pay money for better speed.
  6. It may be illegal in your country according to your national law.

When we should use VPN

You must use VPN when you are using free or untrusted Wi-fi on hotels, cafés, airports, offices, bus stops, etc. Such types of free internet service providers collect your data and they can misuse your information in the future.

If you want to access apps, websites, or any contents that are not available in your country. In this situation, you can access these contents with a VPN. This is illegal activity to access information that is blocked in your country, the full responsibility is on you if you face any problem. If there is an age restriction, country restriction, or other restrictions then you can use VPN.

Difference between free and paid VPN

Sometimes we think, if we are getting a thing for free then why should we pay for that. It is true but sometimes free products and free things can create big problems in the future. But in some cases, free things or products also provide the best service and facility. Here we will talk about the difference between free and paid VPN.

If you are using a free VPN it can hide your IP address, encrypt your request and data, can hide your location but in some cases free VPN service providers can collect your data and they can misuse it. But paid VPN service providers normally do not collect your information and do not provide your information to third parties.

Free VPN can collect your activity logs, cookies, your search history, result, etc., and can sell to other companies, organizations governments, etc. But paid VPN does not collect this information. Free VPN can show ads on their application, websites but paid VPN does not show any ads on applications and websites.

Paid VPN also provides additional facilities such as thread and protection from virus, malware, dangerous activity and helps for safe browsing. Paid VPN also provides the fastest server and security alert which free VPN does not provide. You can not use all servers in free VPN but you can connect with any server in paid VPN.

It does not mean we should not use a free VPN. Some VPNs also provide services and security like paid VPNs but you should check before using a free VPN. Most of the free VPNs provide services only for collecting information and showing ads.

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